Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm Not Done... I'm Back!

It has been just shy of 8 months since my last post to this blog. To all my former avid readers, I am sorry to have neglected you for so long. I have been yelled at time and time again to start blogging again... For a long time, I just couldn't. There was nothing to say. Ok, well, that's not exactly true. There were/are a lot of things to say but I just couldn't get up the courage to say them.

As most of you know, I am recently divorced. My ex walked out on our marriage in mid June 2011. Boy have I learned a lot since! I have learned things about me. I have learned things about life and relationships and all I can say is WOW! It's a scary world out there when you have to face it alone.

I will give you a short update on me in the last few months... Since the separation... I have lost 45lbs. I am currently holding steady at 215lbs, -176lbs since I started my WLS journey. I would love to see 199 sometime this year but my body seems to want to stay in "shape-shifter" mode (stall) and not return to "lets lose some pounds" mode. I have to say, if I never lose another pound, my surgery was a success! I have surpassed every goal I have set for myself when I started this journey and therefore I am happy :)

I have also started dating. That is a whole post in and of itself. I wont even bother here. Like I said before, it's a scary world out there. I will say now though, the whole concept of dating was very very foreign to me. After being with someone for 7 years, going to meet another man makes you feel like you are in the twilight zone the first few times.

In other areas of my life, I am still in private practice loving every moment of it. Nothing gives me more joy then my work. I don't even consider it work. When you love what you do you just get up in the morning and enjoy life. 

I have also developed a serious love fore shoes now that I can walk pretty comfortably in heels. Oh and clothes... A whole new world of clothes has opened up to me. I can now shop in regular stores and fit it their clothes! I have been expanding my list of stores very slowly. I started with New York and Company. I think I am now up to 5 or 6 "normal stores" I have shopped at. Every new store brings a new sort of anxiety. When all you have is Lane Bryant and Avenue you learn how to shop. You know the layout of the store and possibly every single Avenue and Lane Bryant in your 20 mile radius. But hey... who said all these changes were gonna be easy right?

I am gonna try this blogging thing again... I have lots of things to share with you... So for now here is my update and pledge to start again... to lots of new beginnings... CHEERS!

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