Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lost and Insecure....

While I usually blog about the struggles and successes of WLS as a whole today I am down in the dumps.. In fact, if I am really being honest with you all I have been this way for about a week now... This is why I have not been blogging as regularly as I should or would like to... It's time to lay it alllll out on the table... Beth, the owner of Weighty Secrets says... Secrets are things we give to others to keep for us... So I give to you my secrets today...
  • Today, my love for this very community that I work so hard to better has dwindled. The constant drama and 1-uping bull shit behavior has got to stop. I seriously can't take it anymore. Why are you so insecure that you have to prance around and believe you are better than everyone else. When did it stop being for the right reasons? What happens in post-op brain that makes them loose their damn mind?? 
  • Today I confess that I am outraged, disgusted and disappointed in the so-called pillars/post-op professionals of our community...I will not name names because I know nothing to be FACT but for the rumors that have been flying... I KNOW there HAS TO BE a few who are not acting right... 
  • To all those Bariatric "para-professionals" out there... support group leaders, life coaches and the like... know your place! What you have to give is beautiful. You have the heart and soul of a helper but know where to draw the line and please leave your ego at the door. I don't care how much you paid for your life coach certificate or how many years post-op you are or any of that other stuff. You ARE NOT a surgeon, dietitian, therapist, nutritionist etc... YOU are a HELPER. Nothing more, nothing less. Know when it's time to send your "clients" for the help they deserve and need. You are doing nothing for them if you believe you can "therapy" away their issues, YOU CAN'T! You don't have the education to do so. Completing a course of therapy for yourself does not in any way make you qualified to give therapy to others. Paying for a 6 week course in coaching, DOES NOT qualify you to give therapy. In fact that only thing you are doing is stroking your own ego and hurting the people you once wanted so badly to help. Therapists do a MINIMUM of 6 years of schooling plus internships under heavy supervision. They study for weeks if not months and take licensing exams! 
*note... If you find this post offensive, you may want to figure out why... If you don't find it offensive... I'm clearly NOT talking about YOU! For those of you who fit the category above, I am ashamed to stand next to you as a "professional" in our community. 

Venting this out makes me feel so much better... Someone had to say it. I have been afraid to say this for so long because of the backlash I will face. Today, right now in this moment, I DON'T CARE. I can't make everyone happy. Not everyone will love me. I am ok with that. But I cannot sit here and say nothing... It just doesn't flow with my moral fibers...

To my amazing friends, please please please... Be careful with regard to whom you entrust your well being. 
I love you all!
Sleeve Pixie

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